Name - Aaron
In Game Name - OneAndOnly
Age - 17
Gender - Male
Location - US East Coast
Timezone - UTC -5:00
Contact Information: a4r0nk1m
Email - a4r0nk1m
Why are you applying for GM?:
I am applying to be a GM so that I can contribute my knowledge from past experience as a GM in other servers to Balgencium MS
What's so important to you that you have to sign up to become a GM?:
I think it is important that a server maintains a stable and enjoyable environment. There is no point in running a server if the community within is horrible.
How do you see yourself doing important roles as a GM?:
I see myself doing my best to help people in anyway possible while following server rules. I have seen much corruption in A LOT of the previous servers I have been in and it makes me sick. As a GM, I will be kind and welcoming to everyone who approaches me, but I will not stand for those who jeopardize gaming experience for others and whatnot. I see myself using my sense of fair judgement and determination for equality among players in solving problems for those issues that get out of hand.
Have you had any past experience as a GM or as a moderator?:
I have been a GM at several servers, some big, some small, most of them shutdown already. One server that I recently was a GM on was on ZakuraMS (No I did not pay like the Owner of the server requires for GM powers, I was made GM through another server owner [not in power anymore] due to taking great part in the community.)
Do you have any proof of this?( Optional ):
Sadly I do not. I apologize.
How long will you be on the server daily?:
Weekdays: 2-4 hrs
Weekends: Varies on schedule
How long will you be on the forums daily?:
I will check daily, if not, every other day.
What would you say your best qualities are?:
I believe my best qualities are having leadership skills, applying my moral values as a person to each scenario and trying my best to be fair and in doing all of the things I do.
What would you do if you weren't accepted?:
If I weren't accepted, it means my credentials were not good enough, which is fault on my part. However, I would not take great offense whatsoever, nor would it change my efforts to contribute to the server.
Can you code ?:
I have done small projects in the past such as making npcs... however no, because I cannot code efficiently.
Extra Information:
I was sent by zRandom and was suggested to help out this server by Dennis (iDavidGuetta)
PS: What is the server site? I cannot login to the actual server.
PSS: I am calling over many people from ZakuraMS to help support this server because I heard you were in need of assistance! Hope it helps!
Thank you for viewing my GM Application!